Saturday, July 11, 2009

Happy 4th of July - Part 2

Here are the rest of the pictures....
Sprinkler time!!!

Daddy and little man - how sweet!!!
Harrison with Mimi and Daddy
Hawaiian ice... he's eating again!!!!
Harrison with Mimi and G!!
Walking around waiting for the fireworks!!
Quick family shot
Corey taking pictures of fireworks!!

Another family shot
All the Garners
Garners and Sneeds!!


Michael and Andrea plus Baby Dawg said...

looking forward to see you next week! Is Harrison coming too?? Havn't met the little booger yet hope he's coming to meet his future wife, Elli Kate Hancock!

Michael and Andrea plus Baby Dawg said...

Your so funny. I can't wait to see yall either!! Girl you are fine and fabulous! can't wait for Friday.