Here's a random assortment of what we did in March....
***note - for some reason some of these pictures look blurry on the blog - if you click on them (and make them larger) it's not blurry.... weird!!! ****
Aunt Addie came home one weekend - so she had to get some HDG and MK time!
That same weekend Uncle Bailey gave Harrison a mohawk...
I love pictures like this!
Here's Aunt Brittoni using Millie as an excuse to nap!
HDG and Mimi making pancakes in a THOMAS apron!
Harrison thought the apron was AWESOME!
I was doing laundry one night - and I couldn't resist getting a picture of Millie in the pile - I have the same shot of Harrison... I'd love to do a comparison.... haha!
Went out to see Nana and Papa one weekend.... here's Millie and Nana playing
so sweet!
Corey and Harrison both playing on their electronic devices.... sheesh!
That weekend my cousins came out for a visit! We each have 2 kids (funny enough we each have one girl and one boy)... so we had 6 kids under the age of 4.... WOW! It was busy - but so much fun to get to hang out with them!
bubble time!
Fletcher and his dad - I wish I had gotten him in the picture... Fletcher is like a blonde "mini me" of his dad!
the 2 big girls- Maggie and Audrey.... since Millie can't stand she didn't make the picture this year... but maybe next year! :)
Sweet Maggie :)
I think Christian is getting tickled in this picture... but I thought it was just too cute!
Audrey and her Mama (Kelli) - I thought this was a sweet shot - they both look like they're having fun!
Popsicle time for the big kids!
Millie trying to stay out of all the madness! :)
Baby Shower for my good friend Gretchen!
I'm so behind that she's actually already had her baby - a little boy named Max!!!
Here's Katie getting some Millie time!!
Corey and the kiddos - I think MK looks scared!
We got a box... and HDG thought it was the best thing EVER!
Happy baby is an understatement!
MK and Aunt Laura
Millie's first rice cereal feeding... she's not so sure about it....
she did pretty well!!
Some time during the month of March she found that she can get her feet in her mouth - and she's had them there ever since!!
Harrison still likes to SQUEEZE himself into the Bumbo... what a turkey!
Millie in her Oglethorpe t-shirt!
Again - MK looks scared....
Story time at a botanical garden near our house...
HDG and Owen showing off the projects they made
Cute flower!
Millie enjoyed a nap during craft time!
afterwards we walked through the garden... there was a big rock and Harrison and Owen tried to push it... hehe!
it looks like Harrison is letting Owen do all the work - haha!
my little owl! :)
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