Friday, April 29, 2011

April - Trip to Rome

During our spring break trip to see Nana - we took another trip to Rome to see Aunt Laura.  Since baseball season started the next day she was working hard when we first got there - so we went to watch Erik play softball!

One of their friends was there with their little boy - and Harrison wanted to read him a story!  It was too cute! 

and of course - Millie fell asleep!

When we got back to Laura's place and got the kiddos ready for bed Erik insisted that he could fit in Harrison's tent... Erik is like 6'3 or 6'4 - and I figured there was NO way he was fitting in there!  But I was wrong... he AND Harrison were able to fit in there... I guess it's bigger than I thought! :)
The next day Aunt Laura was busy at work - so we went and visited Erik at his work at Winshape.  While we were there I of course took the opportunity to take more pictures... sorry! :)
after that we had some time to waste before the Braves game - so we headed to a park....

Then we grabbed something to eat - ran by Laura's place to change and headed to the Rome Braves home opener....
Harrison was excited... I promise! :)
 Millie couldn't care less - but Nana let her play with her lipstick - so she was happy!
 Laura was working - but she dropped by to say hey every once in a while!  Here she is with Erik!
 The sunset was beautiful that night!
 I love this shot - I'm sure Erik was trying to explain something important - and I'm sure all Harrison wanted to talk about was trains.... 
 Millie asleep again!  This time with Erik instead of Nana!
 Romie and Roxie
Even Harrison fell asleep... AMAZING!  I swear this kid runs on rocket fuel - and NEVER stops!  Nana takes any rare opportunity to snuggle with him... because it sure doesn't happen often! :)

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