Seriously - how do these months get away from me??? March is almost over and I haven't even blogged about February!!! Oops - guess this means I'll just have to do a quick version - here are a bunch of random pictures of the kids from last month!
This was Millie's last bath in her baby baby tub.... I think she's happy about it!
she's kind of out grown it!!

what a sweet smile!

I made this hat for a friend's baby shower... and made Millie model it - she's just too cute with it on... so now I'm working on a girl version! :)

She'll fall asleep just about anywhere!
Here are a couple of pictures of Harrison and Millie together....

OH - Millie's big accomplishment for the month of February... she learned to roll!!!

This is her mid roll!

She LOVES to jump.... (I love this picture)

Sometimes she jumps so hard - she falls alseep! I swear I don't just leave her in there for hours - her falling asleep in that thing usually only happens while I'm cooking dinner!
Pictures from V-Day...

HDG making a card for Corey

I wanted to get a couple of pics of Millie on her first Valentine's Day....

But of course when I'm taking pictures of MK - you know who else wants their picture taken too....

HDG - so I told him if he wanted his picture taken he had to go put on a red shirt... and since he didn't have any nice red shirts... this is what we ended up with....

it turned out to be a pretty cute picture though! :)
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