So the holidays are over... and all our traveling is done for a while - and I think things are finally starting to calm down.... then I realize that I'm married to an accountant - and January starts busy season.... BOO!!!! Unfortunately we didn't get to see a lot of Corey in January... and this is the first year that Harrison has really noticed it (and even said stuff to Corey about it!)! I kinda felt bad for Corey - it's not like he can do anything about it - or he wants to be gone - it's just part of the job! The good news is that we got snowed in for a couple of days - which means Harrison got to see dad - even if he was working a lot! Anyway - here are some random pictures from the month!
Millie got a tutu from Aunt Brittoni for Christmas - so of course we had to take some pictures of her in her new tutu!

see... another crazy face... just wait - they keep coming....

This was the night of the BIG snow... when we went to bed we saw this...

and woke up to this... I think we measured it to be about 5.5 inches... that's BIG for GA!

we sent Bel out first... just to check it out...

Then later that day - we went out to play... Corey and HDG worked on cleaning up the front stairs and the driveway...

Here's the house covered in snow... look close and you can see MK....

yep - she was all bundled up in the back of the car... trust me she was warm!

I love this picture...

There was a sheet of ice on top of the snow... it was about 1/4 inch thick...
He and Corey were throwing snowballs - but the best part was that Corey would make the snow ball - then hand it to Harrison - so Harrison could turn around and throw it at Corey!

This is HDG trying to tromp through the ice/snow!
Corey and I

Corey actually had to shovel the snow away from the screen door on the back porch so we could open it!! CRAZY!

Family picture... but as you can tell HDG had had enough at this point... he was crying to go inside!

Millie sitting in her Bumbo for the first time...
Millie was playing on her activity mat - and Harrison "attacked" her... poor thing!

He said - "Mom - I just want to snuggle with her!"

How could I be mad about that...

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