Friday, February 18, 2011

January...Part 2

January continued....
Aunt Laura's B-Day.... Erik should know better than to try and avoid a picture...
Laura will embarrase you... it's kinda her "thing"! haha
After a week where Corey didn't get to see Harrison at all (just because he got up and left before HDG woke up and came home after HDG was asleep) Corey bought Harrison what I call a "guilt gift" and left a scavenger hunt for him to find it! It was really cute - and Harrison LOVED it - but even cuter was teaching HDG to say scavenger hunt.... he kept saying "havenger scuntch" - HAHA! Here he is following the clues...

at this point he had no desire to take any more pictures... he just wanted me to read him the clue - so he could get to his "surprise"...

and the surprise was... TRAINS... of course! Meet Bash and Dash...
This was super cute - he had to introduce Bash and Dash to Ferdinand and Thomas
Ok - from here on out - the pictures are kinda random....
crazy eyes... you know what - that one might just be fear :) haha!
HDG playing his Busy Town game...

I tried to explain that these were finger paints - but he really wanted to use his new brushes
then he just decided he'd paint his hands.... whatever - he was happy! :)
bath time after painting

talking to dad on the phone to tell him good night... so sad!
Doing yoga with mom

MK cuddled up on the couch
This might be one of my VERY favorite crazy faces!
This month Millie started using the bouncer... but she wasn't quite tall enough - so we had to put Corey's new router box under her!

again with the crazy face!
this happens a lot... I'll put her in the bouncer while I'm cooking - then I'll look over and she'll be passed out!

SUPER cute Puma outfit from Aunt Laura! Love it!
another funny face I love!

I think this one is fear again...

My sweet little owl! :)

oh no - where did Millie's neck go???
it's ok - she's cute without one!

we also started using the "johnny jump up" this month - she loves that thing - she'll jump until she barfs!! :) That's my girl!
I started to get mad at Harrison for messing with Millie....
then she looked like she was having fun - so I left them alone! :)
This is one of my favorite pics of her right now...

she also found her thumb this month...
Harrison's first wall "masterpiece" - mama was NOT happy! It took a full magic eraser bar to clean all this up!