Oops.... so it's kinda been a while since I've updated the blog... but I feel like this whole holiday season has been a blur! I'm so sad that the holidays are over - and at the same time I'm kinda glad... I feel like we can finally get back into a routine... and for that I'm happy. Anyway.... where did I leave off on this blog.... I think it was somewhere around Millie's week 2 (and now she's 11 weeks) so we have a lot to catch up on.... here goes....
After Nana left we had a week or so on our own... then we headed out to Mimi and G's for Halloween... but the day before Halloween we went to the Water's "farm" for an annual food and fun get together!

Uncle Bailey got a 4 wheeler... G and Harrison decided to take it for a spin... I think HDG looks pretty excited!

Uncle Bailey and Aunt Brittoni with MK

Sweet Millie with Nana

Corey making us some smores over the GIANT bonfire!

HDG playing in the sandbox....

HDG played so hard that when we finally got home he was OUT! Somehow poor G ended up with both the munchkins... he looks miserable... right?!?! :)
The next day was Halloween.....
At HDG's first Halloween we took a couple pictures of him with the pumpkins... we thought it only fair to do the same to MK....

Although she didn't really like it....

Then later in the day before trick or treating we carved some pumpkins...

Corey made a beautiful free hand owl.... I'm so proud!!!!

Then Harrison came out in his Buzz Lightyear costume - and caught a glimpse of his own reflection... he was so impressed he had to go get a look up close!! hahaha!!

Of course we had to play some trains before trick-or-treating!

Here's the once over before we leave for the evening - pretty cute!

Ok - so the Garner's neighborhood has a Halloween parade of all the kids in their costumes that ends with pizza at the club house.... this year - this was our AWESOME ride. The funny part was - we thought we were being super creative - however we weren't the only ones in a trailer being pulled by a 4wheeler... red neck or awesome??? I can't decide?!?!?

On our ride to the club house - we passed Mimi, G, and MK

HDG eatin' some pizza at the club house....

So funny story.... we took Harrison to the first house - and told him to ring the door bell and say "trick or treat" - so he went up there and did just that - and the guy dropped some candy in his bag... then Harrison looked in the bag and looked back up at the guy and started to cry.... apparently Harrison thought the first house you went to was suppose to fill up your bag - and he was very disappointed when it didn't happen! :) haha!

The people at this house weren't home - but Harrison and Aunt Brittoni decided to take a quick picture!! :) love it!

The pumpkins all lit up! The boys did very well!!!!

Garner family Halloween 2010

HDG and MK with Mimi and G
OH - and saving the best for last.... here are some funny pictures of Bailey on the 4 wheeler....

I'm not sure what's happening here.... but it looks like Brittoni is going after Bailey!!
Then here is Bailey being crazy......

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