I love that when we have a baby my mom and Corey's mom each come and stay with us for a week! It's AWESOME - I LOVE it - and I really really appreciate all the help. I genuinely have no idea how other moms do it without the extra help?!?! My mom got the first week with Harrison - so this time Mimi got to come home for week 1...
Here are some pictures from Millie's first week:

HDG helping Mimi feed Millie Kate a bottle

Mimi and MK "sunning" - trying to get rid of the jaundice!

My little redneck child wanted to take his shirt off while we were outside playing... cute right? :)

By the end of the night he had taken everything except his boxers off... crazy kid!

While we were in the hospital the Disney channel had a Handy Manny "Family Night" movie - so the first night we got home we had a "family night" and watched it!! Harrison wanted Millie Kate on the bean bag with him!! :)

Here she is up close!
Since Aunt Addie lives out of town she had to wait until the weekend to come visit her new little niece - but don't worry she made the most of her weekend and spent lots of time with MK!

her first bath - she was NOT very happy!

Our friends from Nashville - the Prices - came to visit while they were in town for a wedding - here are all our ADORABLE munchkins!!! :)

Millie Kate meeting her first little girl friend - Lyla! :)

Harrison and Marlie are a MESS - trying to get a picture of the two of them was almost IMPOSSIBLE - I think this shot pretty much sums them up perfectly!

Here's the best shot we got.... oh well!

Family picture - if only Millie was looking in the direction of the camera...
PS - please check out my silly bands - pretty awesome right?? Aunt Addie brought those to Harrison as part of his "big brother" gift - and he gave us all silly bands to wear! They were Thomas - don't be too jealous! :)

Harrison thought the Boppy was cool - HAHA!

The weekend after Millie was born was Corey's birthday - so his family came over to celebrate! We had steak and potatoes and turtle brownies - and it was awesome!! :) I love this picture because we actually have the same shot of Corey with Harrison when he was only a couple of days old :)

HDG playing with G :)

Corey had to head back to work on Monday morning - so here he is with MK before he left for work... sad!

Millie's first trip to the park

Since the weather was so PERFECT that week - there was lots of outside time. Harrison even took his trains out on the back porch to play while Mimi and MK watched.
I think that about wraps up week one.....
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