Guess who's potty trained??? THAT'S RIGHT - HARRISON!!! It is SO awesome not to have to change diapers any more!! Corey and I can't really claim that we did much though.... it was clearly peer pressure at day care. One week he wanted nothing to do with the potty - then they move him up to the older class at day care - all the other kids are potty training... so Harrison decides he can do it too. Next thing we know he's not peeing in his diaper any more... and within a week he was completely potty trained! I'm talking we have only had one accident in 2 weeks - and that was very early on!!! We're so stinkin' proud of him!!! :) WOO HOOOO!!!!

Corey and I were changing the sheets on the bed -
and HDG decided to get up there and do the HAPPY dance!
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