Here are some pictures from Christmas Eve and Christmas morning at my parent's house...

Aunt Laura - HDG - and Lucy playing with Play-Doh!

Harrison... you were suppose to be helping with the sausage balls.... what happened??

Running around the house half dressed... this is pretty normal! HAHA!
PS - look at those abs... what a STUD! :)

Quick picture in front of the tree before everyone got there!

Corey helping the munchkins decorate sugar cookies!

Corey.... having fun?? He's such a good dad! And please check out that awesome shirt... it's like a tacky Christmas sweater.... in t-shirt form! HAHA!

After everyone left Corey pushed Harrison around on the hardwood floors... Harrison thought it was the best thing ever... he kept saying "DO AGAIN!"

Christmas morning!
Time for a book break!
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