We had a great time on "Mountain weekend 2009" - our only complaint was that the weather was kinda crappy - but it didn't stop us from having fun! We went to Blue Ridge - Ellijay - the North Georgia Apple Festival - the Sorghum Festival - and even a couple apple orchards! Harrison had a blast because he got to play on the train tracks! Oh - the little things in life!! :)
Harrison and Nana dancing!
Hanging out with Papa eating an apple - there's a chance that kid ate about 15 apples this weekend - haha!

Corey and I snuggling for warmth at one of the apple orchards!!

Check out little Davy Harrison with his 'coon skin hat! haha!

This is the best thing ever - it's called the PeaPod Plus - and it's a little tent that fold down to nothing (and it comes with it's own little air mattress)!! It's awesome for traveling - Harrison LOVES it - and we don't have to take the pack & play with us anymore!! YEAH!

Hanging out at the Apple Festival parade - Harrison loved it because they threw candy!

On the bus from the parade to the actual festival... I couldn't resist - he just looked too cute!

Rare picture of Harrison and I - I really need to get out from behind the camera more often or Harrison is going to look back at pictures when he gets older and wonder where his mom was!! :)

Where's Harrison?!?!

Laura fell asleep on the way back - and Corey got out to pump gas.... and be a creeper....
awkward! :)


Don't they just look like the cutest little family... maybe I can just photshop my head on Laura's body.... you think anyone will notice?? HAHA!!

Harrison girls - we all wore scarves on the same day - aren't we cute! :)

Harrison playing on the train tracks - his favorite place!

A little too bright - but still cute!
1 comment:
Ok one-thanks for the lovely comments about the blog. Two- the only reason EK wears cute bows and outfit cause she's trying to look pretty for Harrison. She's been asking when she gets to see him next.
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