Since Corey got me a really nice camera this year I figured we'd forgo the trip to Portrait Innovations and I'd take his birthday pictures myself. If I learned ONE thing during this photo shoot it's that I'm NOT cut out to photograph small children - especially my own! It took about an hour and a half and I think I got 4 good shots??? Oh well!
Here are a couple that I thought were cute...
Total cheese face... not what I was going for - but still cute!

I like the angle on this one - but not this face....

Harrison with the piggy! :)

One too many fingers buddy - you may look 3 (or 4) but you're only 2! Soooo close to a great shot! Maybe I can just photoshop that one extra finger off... nah - that might look a little weird! :) haha!
Now for my favorites......