Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Forget a crazy week.... let's try a crazy month!

So today is officially one month since the roof and car accident. The roof has been fixed :) and I have a "new" car (a Honda Pilot just in case anyone cares) :) so we have lots to be thankful for!!! I've decided to just write the whole last month off as an "off" month - and move forward with happy thoughts!! :) SO.... I wanted to share with everyone the good stuff we've been up to over the last month!!
First: Addie and I went to a potluck dinner for our women's Bible study - and we were all in charge of our own center pieces for our tables. We decided to make an edible center piece for our table and it was SUCH a hit that I just wanted to share a pictures with everyone!

How stinkin' cute is that?!?!

Second: Harrison had some good times with Uncle Bailey on the lawn mower... Bailey looks like he's having fun... Harrison looks serious!!
Hey boys... shouldn't you keep both hands on the mower at all times?!?!

Third: We had a fun trip to Steak and Shake while we were out car shopping and Harrison had his first milk shake... YUM!!! CHEESE!!!

And finally: I caught a cute shot of Harrison napping peacefully with Corey - and just had to share...

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