I just wanted to take a minute to tell everyone who hasn't seen the movie Fireproof - that they need to!!! I kept hearing about this film for months - and I kept saying "yeah - I want to go see that..." but because it was difficult to find in the theaters - I put it off. I finally bought the book around Christmas and once again - put it off... just because I had other stuff going on. Finally last week I picked it up - and I am not kidding I read the whole thing in a day!!!! AMAZING book!!! Seriously - AMAZING! I would recommend this to anyone who is married - about to get married - in a relationship - might be in a relationship one day - has ever thought about being in a relationship.... really just anyone and everyone! Basically it's the story of a married couple that's about to get divorced - and the husband's father asks him if he'd be willing to try something to try and save his marriage. It's a really powerful story of love - and I believe everyone - even those of us who are in "good" marriages can learn a lot from it. Plus a little added bonus - the movie stars Kirk Cameron (I was in LOVE with him growing up!! Yeah Growing Pains!! HAHA)
PS - If you have the time - I actually liked the book better - there were a couple extra story lines that explained things a little better - but if you don't have the time to read the book you should still see the movie! :)
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