Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas cards!

I just wanted to share how Harrison helped me with the Christmas cards...
Drooly McGee licking envelopes!!! HAHA!

The Pharr Bazaar

Peach Tree Owl did it's second craft fair a couple weeks ago at the Pharr Bazaar. Pharr is actually the elementary school that all the Garner kids went to - so it was fun to be there - but it was the first year the Pharr did this... so the business wasn't great. Anyway - I won't bore you with Peach Tree Owl stuff - but they also had some stuff for kids going on while we were there. Harrison came by with Corey - Mimi - and G for a while and got to decorate some sugar cookies! He had a great time - and so did Uncle Bailey & Brittoni!
Harrison decorating...
He looks very serious!
I didn't get a picture of Bailey smashing cookie in Brittoni's face - but I was able to catch Brittoni smashing cookie in Bailey's face!! Aren't they cute???

What a helpful little man!

Corey has been helping me do different things for my craft fairs... so a while back - he had to drill some holes for some ornaments... and when Corey went outside Harrison had a FIT! So Corey let Harrison go out and help him! I don't know how much help he actually was... but it was REALLY cute! (side note - the drill they are using belonged to Harrison's great great grandfather!!)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

AL Thanksgiving

We were in AL for Thanksgiving - Harrison spent the week with his great grand parents - and even spent Thanksgiving with his great GREAT grandmother!!! I realize now that I didn't take too many pictures - but here are a couple...
The Garner crew with Mamaw (Harrison's great great grandmother)
The boys with Mamaw
Harrison loves Aunt Addie's iPod touch!!
This is what happens when Daddy Jack is in charge of dinner!! :) Harrison LOVES it!! haha!

Trip to the TN Aquarium

So I'm a little behind - but to go back a month or so we stopped by the aquarium in Chattanooga on the way to AL for Thanksgiving. We had a really great time - Harrison loved looking at all the fish - and he especially loved watching "Mr. Ray" (from Nemo) in the big fish tank.
On the way up we stopped for lunch at our favorite place... CHICK-FIL-A!! :)
Isn't this cute... he was trying to pet Mr. Ray!
Corey might not look like he's having fun... but he is!! haha!
I LOVE this picture!!! So sweet!
This might be my new favorite picture of my two favorite boys!! :)
I don't think this kid ever stands still.... :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Peach Tree Owl

Some of you know this already - but my sister-in-law (Addie) and I have started a little side business called Peach Tree Owl. What we do is a lot of home decorish kinda stuff but Addie also does some ornaments and metal baskets with decorative fabrics. That probably didn't make too much sense.... but if you want to see more of what we do just go check out our Peach Tree Owl blog! :)
We'd eventually like to start selling stuff on Etsy - we're just not there yet! A lot of what we do is custom orders - so if you see something you like - but want a different color - we can do that - and if you see something you like the looks of - but want a different quote or Bible verse - we can do that too! Anyway - no pressure - just wanted to make sure our friends and family knew we were doing this!! :)
Here are some pictures from our first "craft show":

Just another fall day...

H-A-double L-O-W- double E-N spells HALLOWEEN!!

First of all can we talk about the fact that - to this day - I can't spell Halloween without singing that song "H - A - double L - O - W - double E - N spells Halloween! If you went to Britt Elementary I know you just sang that as you read it - don't lie!! :) It's probably partly because I can't spell - but seriously - it's catchy! :)
ANYWAY... the week before Halloween was kinda crazy. Harrison spiked a pretty nice fever - but continued to act completely normal (which thankfully ruled out the flu). However - due to the fever he wasn't allowed to go to school - so Corey and I took turns staying home with him. Luckily nothing really ever came of the fever and after about 4 days it finally broke. All that to say that by the time Halloween rolled around on Saturday - Corey and I were exhausted! We took Harrison to Mimi and G's neighborhood - where they had their annual costume parade - and pizza party at the club house. After pizza it was raining- so we only went to a couple of houses before we took Harrison back to Mimi and G's for a nice warm bath! I'm pretty sure Corey and I went to bed right after Harrison that night!! haha - I know... we're lame!!
I know you're shocked - Harrison was Thomas
getting ready for the parade
Come on Mom and Dad - they're getting away!
Pizza break!
First house!
Headed back to the house with Mimi and Dad!
Caught in the act! As Harrison says he was eating his "trick-or-treat"
Family picture before bath time!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A day at the "farm"...

Every year we go to a family friend's "farm" - it's not actually a farm farm - it's a tree farm - but we call it "the farm" so just go with it. They have tons of land - hayrides - tons of food - a bonfire - and this year they had live music! It's always really fun - and this year Harrison had a blast too because there was a big sand box for the kids - BOO!! Harrison thought it was the best thing ever... he kept trying to sneak his way back over there... and finally we just gave up and let him play in it! I'm pretty sure he came home with about 10 lbs of sand! Anyway - here are some pictures!
Having a blast playing in the sand...
Harrison and Bailey playing with the little tractor!
It's a little blurry but can't you see the joy in both of their eyes! :) haha!

Brittoni always snaps the cutest pictures!!
(these are actually all her pictures that I stole - thanks Brittoni :) haha)
Harrison and I on the hayride!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Mountain trip 2009

We had a great time on "Mountain weekend 2009" - our only complaint was that the weather was kinda crappy - but it didn't stop us from having fun! We went to Blue Ridge - Ellijay - the North Georgia Apple Festival - the Sorghum Festival - and even a couple apple orchards! Harrison had a blast because he got to play on the train tracks! Oh - the little things in life!! :)

Harrison and Nana dancing!

Hanging out with Papa eating an apple - there's a chance that kid ate about 15 apples this weekend - haha!

Corey and I snuggling for warmth at one of the apple orchards!!
Check out little Davy Harrison with his 'coon skin hat! haha!
This is the best thing ever - it's called the PeaPod Plus - and it's a little tent that fold down to nothing (and it comes with it's own little air mattress)!! It's awesome for traveling - Harrison LOVES it - and we don't have to take the pack & play with us anymore!! YEAH!
Hanging out at the Apple Festival parade - Harrison loved it because they threw candy!
On the bus from the parade to the actual festival... I couldn't resist - he just looked too cute!
Rare picture of Harrison and I - I really need to get out from behind the camera more often or Harrison is going to look back at pictures when he gets older and wonder where his mom was!! :)
Where's Harrison?!?!
Laura fell asleep on the way back - and Corey got out to pump gas.... and be a creeper....
awkward! :)ROLL TIDE!Don't they just look like the cutest little family... maybe I can just photshop my head on Laura's body.... you think anyone will notice?? HAHA!!
Harrison girls - we all wore scarves on the same day - aren't we cute! :)

Harrison playing on the train tracks - his favorite place!

A little too bright - but still cute!