So I'm a little behind.... 2 weekends ago (Nov 28-30) we had a Garner family weekend of fun!!! To start the whole weekend off - we meet Corey's family at Phipps mall so Harrison could go see Santa. This is long standing tradition with his family... they see Santa - and then go eat dinner upstairs at Johnny Rockets! :) Except this year we mixed it up a little bit...before Santa we went and rode the Pink Pig over at Lenox mall!! :)

To be really honest Harrison couldn't have cared any less about the Pink Pig - I mean seriously as we (yes we... if the kids are under 36 inches then someone has to ride with them - and since Harrison is 2 inches short... I got to ride too) were riding around and around I was trying to get him excited... and he just kinda sat there..... like he was bored! Sheesh kid - don't you know you're riding the PINK PIG - an Atlanta tradition?!?! Anyway - after the pig - we headed across the street to Phipps - and since we had a little time to spare Harrison and G rode the escalators (soo cute)- and let me assure you... Harrison was WAY more excited about the escalators than the Pink Pig!

Uncle Bailey was also in charge of the diaper bag - I mean big boy bag
I love this picture!!

So then off to Santa we went... I will admit - I was REALLY nervous about Harrison and Santa! I had visions of Harrison screaming bloody murder - or pulling Santa's beard or something really horrible... but it really wasn't bad at all!! (There are big signs everywhere that say "No Flash Photography" around Santa - so we didn't get any pictures... but I'll try to scan in the pictures we bought as soon as I get a chance) We put Harrison on Santa's lap - and they took the picture right away... Harrison looks confused more than anything so it wasn't too bad! Then Santa started talking to him... and therein lies the problem! Rather than screaming - Harrison just kinda lifted his arms over his head and melted off Santa's lap!!! HAHA! Thank goodness Corey was on his toes... he ran over knelled down beside Santa - and Harrison sat on Dad's knee while Santa finished his conversation!! We have a video.... it's adorable!!! :) After the visit was over Harrison got a candy cane... and I'm not kidding... before we ever got our food at dinner he had eaten through the plastic to get to the candy cane!! HAHA!

I just had to throw this picture in - doesn't he look like the kid in that commercial!! HAHA!

Enough about Friday night.... :)
Saturday morning Mr. Garner surprised us all with a trip to the Dillard house (yes the Dillard house up in Rabun County - North GA) for breakfast!!! If you haven't ever been to the Dillard house for breakfast - you should!! It's kinda like Maggiano family style meals... you sit down and they just put loads of really good food in front of you... and you eat to your little hearts content!! GLORIOUS!!!

Behind the restaurant - there's a little petting zoo for the kids... Harrison got to see horses, a big bull, goats, chickens, a little piggie, and even a lama!!!
1 comment:
Hey Katie Thanks so much much for that frame! It's so cute!! I put the baby's sonogram pic in there. You and I have the same great taste. Thanks again and I can't wait to post pics of this weekend. Harrison is precious!
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