Monday, August 16, 2010
New videos of HDG
HDGs Birthday Fun!

Stone Mountain B-Day celebration
Michelle and Conor's wedding!!

HDG's Big Boy Room
4th of July - Part 2 - Sprinkler Fun and Fireworks
Here are some cute ones of HDG playing in the sprinklers....

hehehe - i love these! :)
I love this one too... it looks like he's saying "LOOK AT MY BELLY!!"
Man I love that cute little belly!! :) Flying on Brittoni's feet - he loved it!!
then Aunt Addie was showing him how to do a hand stand!! haha!

Normally on the 4th we head over to the local high school for a fire works show... however the stinky mayor decided that since the 4th fell on a Sunday this year - that he didn't want them to do the firework show on Sunday night... I'm not really sure why - but that's what he decided... ANYWAY - we had to drive about 30 minutes away to see another firework show - and it was so packed - that we didn't' really get to see too much - but we had fun hanging out....

4th of July - Part 1 - Kiddie Carnival and Golf

The whole time we were there the train was having some engine trouble - the first night it started out working - then stopped - so they had it in the shed for repairs... Harrison wanted to ride it SO bad - that he just stood there and watched them repair it for a while rather than going to ride the other stuff.... poor kid....

We did eventually get him to go do some other stuff.... like ride the cars... but he went back to waiting on the train not too long after this shot!!
PS - I think this might be the last year that he can ride the cars... he's getting kinda big!! :) haha!at some point in the night Bailey and Brittoni showed up!! YEAH! Aren't they cute?!?! :)
By the end of the night Harrison was pooped.... he looked like he was just in a daze all the way to the car!! :)
The next morning the boys went to play golf - Brittoni and I just tagged along for the ride in the golf carts... and to take pictures of course :)
Colby helping HDG putt...
Dad helping HDG putt...
What HDG really enjoyed doing - playing in the cart and eating/drinking whatever he could find!! haha!
We also went to the Kiddie Carnival that night - but I obviously wasn't really in a picture taking mood that night - because I only took a couple - and this was the only cute one!
Harrison riding the train - and blowing his train whistle!!
Here are more pictures from the Kiddie Carnival the NEXT night....

HDG didn't really want to ride the carousel - but he said he would if Aunt Addie would ride with him... haha! I don't know why - but this kid does not like carousels?!?! WEIRD - right?!?!

I loved this shot of Addie!!!

Daddy Jack was working at the snack shack - and Harrison had to go in and visit him!!
HDG LOVES Daddy Jack!! :)

Then we moved onto a new ride that Harrison didn't do last year. I'm not sure what it's called - but it's the ride where it spins in circles - then the seat your sitting in spins too.... you know what I'm talking about... anyway - HDG loved this - and rode it a TON!! I love his smile here - this is pure joy!! :)

Family shot - but HDG is trying to get down so he can go ride the "spinny" ride again!!

and he's off again!!

the he moved to the planes for a while....

the Garner boys!!
Since we have "connections" and know really important people - aka Daddy Jack... once everyone else goes home Daddy Jack will turn on the big swings so the big kids can ride!! I usually love to ride - but being prego I sat it out to take pictures this year...

HDG and G before the ride begins!

Corey would kill me if he knew I put this up... but I thought it was too funny!! haha!
Love you dear! :)

HDG catching a ride on dad's shoulders back to the car! :)