So... sad story... but over Easter my nice camera broke... ever since Easter I've been using our old - small - little camera... I can't complain too much - it still takes pictures... it's just not the same. Anyway... all that to say that while we were in Nashville visiting I didn't actually take too many pictures! Good news is that we're going back in a couple weeks - and I should have my camera back then... so I'll have more pictures next time!! :)
We went up to Nashville to visit Aunt Addie - who moved up there a month or two ago for a new job... and some of Corey's childhood friends - Nick and James. The best part is that James and his wife have a SUPER cute little girl, Marlie, that is only 3 days younger than Harrison. They hadn't seen each other since they were a month old - but they REALLY hit it off. The very first night they were holding hand walking around, having super cute conversations, hugging - and even kissing!! Corey was proud!! The next morning when Harrison woke up he immediately started asking for Marlie!! It was SO sweet!!!! Like I said - I didn't get too many pictures - so here's a link to the Price's blog entry where there are some better pictures of the kids!!

Harrison and Marlie - AKA "Harlie" - with their Thomas flashlights!!

Harrison actually sat down and posed for this one!! haha!

Waiting outside for Loveless Cafe!! YUM!



Before we left we went to Red Caboose Park - right near Aunt Addie's apartment

It was a REALLY awesome park - HDG had a blast!

Doing one of his favorite things... SLIDING!

This is Nick's dog Rusty - jumping on HDG - haha!