Once again it's been a while since I've posted pictures... September has been busy! Lets see... Harrison started "school" at the beginning of September - and within 3 days he was sick with a cold and double ear infections! BOO - thank goodness the medicine worked wonders and within a couple days he was back to his normal hyper self! Labor Day weekend we went home for an engagement party on Saturday and a pool party on Monday - we had a great time - and Harrison had a BLAST in the pool! And FINALLY this past weekend Corey and I went to a wedding in Charleston (friends from college) while Harrison stayed and spent time with Nana and Papa (I'll try to get some pictures from Nana soon). Ok... on to the pictures...

First day of school... it was hard to get Harrison motivated! He just wanted to lay on the floor and drink his juice!

A few days later... little man didn't look so good! (We gave him a cookie to try and make him feel better! haha - it didn't help!)

The future Mr and Mrs Allen

I made the cake (the letters kept spinning - I'll have to fix that before I make another cake like that) - but it was REALLY good - chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting!! YUM!

Cutest picture of Bailey and Brittoni!
Harrison loving the pool party! (Of course we have Thomas swimmies)

Harrison sneaking out of the pool for a snack!

Harrison and Piper! Aren't they cute?? She's only 6 months older that Harrison but she's a TOTAL water bug - she can really swim all by herself - no swimmies - it's AMAZING!!

Harrison attacking the watermelon!

Harrison and Piper attacking the watermelon - so stinkin' cute!

Michelle, Dani, me, and Lisa at the rehearsal dinner!
The boys at the rehearsal dinner!
If you're ever in Charleston you need to go to a place called Cupcake - best cupcakes ever!! YUM!

Shopping day in Charleston - doesn't Corey look excited?? Luckily this shop had a corner with chairs and a football game on - so the boys were ok for a little while!
I think here he's saying something to the effect of - do you REALLY need that?!?!?
The church they got married in - isn't it pretty!
The bride and groom!

Our crew at the reception!
This is what happens when you get married in the South during football season... there's a lot of sitting around checking scores! HAHA!
Corey took this picture of Lisa, Michelle, and I - and I thought it turned out pretty cool - Good job Corey!! :)