Aww... here he is - only minutes old - getting his first bath- with his really bad cone head... poor thing - he wore lots of hats the first few days - but I swear by the time we went home it was normal - I SWEAR!!

With a hat on... MUCH better! :) Isn't he sweet!

Here he is at home (see I told you his head was normal by then) - LOOK AT THOSE GIANT HANDS!!! Man...I can't believe my big boy was once that small!!

Little peanut - taking a nap with mom - Oh how I miss those days!!
OK - enough reminiscing or I'll want another baby - and that's not in the budget yet!! HAHA!! Back to 2009.... For Harrison's party it was all about Thomas. I won't write too much - I'll just show the pictures...
Pre-party cheese puff snack
Present time!!
The train table came out - and I think he was in shock!!
All the munchkins playing with the trains!

Doin' what he does best... PLAY TRAINS!!
I'm not kidding... this kid played at this train table from noon until 7pm - with a very short hour nap - he refused to eat ANYTHING (and that includes birthday cake) until 7pm!!!!
Aunt Laura also got him a 6 foot round inflatable... we blew it up before the party - but it was soo hot - and the kids were so into the train table - that we didn't go out to play with it until the very end of the party - at that point it was just Harrison and Owen - and it kinda seemed like a cage match!! HAHA!!!
Here it is!!
They only played in there for a couple minutes - but they had a lot of fun while there were in there!

I love this shot I got of Owen!!