After Monkey Joes we had one more little stop.... and because Harrison was so good - Aunt Addie bought him some new kicks.... please check these out!!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Playtime at Monkey Joe's
Let me start by saying - I love working at a private school!!! Last Tuesday was Rosh Hashanah - which meant I got the day off!! So instead of just hanging around the house or going to the park (just like any other day that I'm home) Aunt Addie and I decided to take Harrison to Monkey Joes for some good old fashion fun!! If you've never heard of Monkey Joes - let me tell you a little bit about it... Monkey Joes is this AWESOME place that's basically a big open warehouse full of inflatables for kids of all ages! There's a section for little kids (1 - 6 years old)- and then there's a section with big slides and obsticles for the bigger kids (6-12 years old). Here's a pictures of the place so you can get a visual...

When we first got there we took Harrison to the little kid section - where Harrison was TERRIFIED of this big dragon/Lockness monster thing... I seriously thought we were going to have to ask for our money back and just leave because he was NOT happy!!! But - not to worry - Aunt Addie jumped in with him (while I took pictures) and he warmed up to everything pretty quick!! After a while we took a break from the little kid section and Addie and I took Harrison up the BIG kid slide - it was really fun (for Harrison and for us!) By the end Harrison was loving the place - and was exhausted - it was so worth every penny!! :)

After Monkey Joes we had one more little stop.... and because Harrison was so good - Aunt Addie bought him some new kicks.... please check these out!!

That's right - Harrison obviously enjoys the taste of his new shoes as much as he likes wearing them.... thanks Aunt Addie! :)
After Monkey Joes we had one more little stop.... and because Harrison was so good - Aunt Addie bought him some new kicks.... please check these out!!
Saturday... or should I say DADDY DAY!
Something very special happened on Saturday... Harrison had his very first "I can't live without daddy" day - and it was AMAZING!!! Seriously it was like a day off for mommy!!! YEAH!!!! First - Daddy had to mow the lawn and we had to go outside and watch him. If for some reason Harrison lost sight of Corey he went NUTS!! So we stayed close - and at the end after Corey was done Harrison even got to help him push the mower (don't worry it was off)! Then after nap time we had a little goldfish snack - watched some golf - and before we knew it - it was time for Harrison to change into his game day attire - sit down with some popcorn and watch Bama kick some UGA hiney!! ROOOLLLL TIDE!!!! :) Hopefully this is the first of VERY many "Daddy and Harrison" days!!!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
BIG Friday for Harrison!
So... Friday was a pretty exciting day around the Garner house. It started off pretty simple with a walk to the park and some time on the playground - then back home for a nap and some lunch some play time and another nap (pretty normal day so far) - THEN Dad came home early - Harrison woke up from his nap and we were off to our VERY FIRST HAIRCUT!!!!! I know alot of you have very mixed emotions about this.... some think that the curls were SO cute - and he didn't need a cut... others think the kid has had a mullet for a while now - and it's about time!! Either way he was a champ during his haircut - mainly because Great Clips had Dumb Dumbs and that kid LOVES a good sucker!!!! :) ANYWAY - after the hair cut adventure we headed straight to the Braves game where Harrison got to live it up in style in the Deloitte box! He ate lots of popcorn - hotdogs - chips - a little potato salad -ice cream - and basically anything he could get his hands on... including a couple attempts to eat popcorn off the floor (don't worry we stopped him). He acted wonderfully in front of Corey's bosses and finally just kind of passed out in my lap! What a great Friday!! :)

Sunday, September 14, 2008
SO... I'm really sorry I haven't "blogged" in a while - but Corey and I just got back (a week ago) from an AWESOME 3 year anniversary trip to California. No - Harrison didn't come with us (it was the first time that both of us were away from him for more than a day or two!!) but not to worry....while we were gone Harrison got to go on a little vacation of his own. First to Nana and Papa's and then Mimi and G's! There was lots and lots of playing, some helping with yard work, and even a trip to Chick-fil-a. Let's just say he came home spoiled ROTTEN!

Pictures from OUR vacation...
On a pier in San Francisco
Seriously - the hills were the only bad part of the city!!
Me trying to be funny - acting like I can't make it up the hill!!
Just acting I SWEAR! :)
The trees out there were HUGE!
Corey hanging out in the olive trees!
Here's HARRISON'S Vacation...

Getting a little workout in on the Gazelle! :)

A little play time in Chloe's crate

Here's that SPOILED part... Mimi has a DVD player in her car!!

A trip to Chick-fil-a (I think he'd make a pretty cute spokesperson!
Chick-fil-a - call me - we'll talk details!)

Helping Uncle Bailey in the yard

Overall - I think this sums up Harrison's feelings on the week!
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